
Child Abuse Prevention Resources

Seldom has a week gone by without a church, nonprofit or school making national news because of the sexual misconduct of one of their employees or volunteers. People who wish to do harm to our children are constantly seeking places and opportunities to do so.   Every...

5 Key Actions for a Safe VBS

It’s almost Vacation Bible School season. We’ve asked the experts what safety essentials you need to have in place so you can focus on fun and fellowship. Should your church decide to host VBS this summer, here are 5 Key Actions you can take for a safe VBS...

Child Abuse Prevention Resources

Seldom has a week gone by without a church, nonprofit or school making national news because of the sexual misconduct of one of their employees or volunteers. People who wish to do harm to our children are constantly seeking places and opportunities to do so....

5 Key Actions for a Safe VBS

It’s almost Vacation Bible School season. We’ve asked the experts what safety essentials you need to have in place so you can focus on fun and fellowship. Should your church decide to host VBS this summer, here are 5 Key Actions you can take for a safe VBS...